
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let Me Introduce You To Karma

I think most will describe Karma as a bitch, period. That she is but she isn't always that way, only when provoked and unfortunately she is provoked often. I'm sure you have meet her, maybe it was her good side or her bad side but its undoubtedly certain you have crossed paths before. Let me explain to you her characteristics and she is a simple bitch to understand. You shall reap what you sew. Simply put, for the good things you do in life, you will be rewarded, for the bad things you do, you will pay for them. When doing good, don't do it for the reward though. That's not how it works, it has to be genuine and from the heart. When doing bad, don't for a moment think you have got away with something because "pay back" don't happen right away. Oh no, Karma takes her time with these things. When least expected she shows up and takes care of business. Sometimes leaving us thinking "what did I do to deserve this". I'm sure if you think hard enough you'll figure it out, Karma don't make mistakes.
So the next time you are presented with an opportunity to do good, do it with a smile or the next time you are tempted to do something bad, think twice about it...its up to you how u meet her but most of the time Karma is a bitch.

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