
Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Journey: The Countdown Begins...

I am uber excited! In 23 days I will be signing the the lease to my very own apartment! If no one else is proud of me, I am proud of myself. I came to NC on a mission and things are working out for me perfectly.

I am employed with two jobs within a month of arriving here, 5 months and I am ready to move in my own crib. The feeling is great because at first I didn't know if things would go like I planned but over all things are great. I am very thankful for the help of Lorie, without her I would not be able to make this new start. Thank you Lorie!  
I am going to miss the little ones, Sammy, (8) has tried to kick me out with the constant question of when Im going home. Kaliyah, (5) constantly questions my actions and tells me what I need to do. I'm always asking "are you my momma?" LOL  Its cute though, she does it just like her momma does her. She is my little shadow, she looks at me like the other girl when her brothers are doing "boy things" and annoying her. Braylon, (4).... what can I say, I have been a victim of his scorpio stinger several times. He kicks me out, we can't have a decent convo without it ending with me possibly having pie in my face, and just when I am about to write his lil ass off he comes with the "Ms. Nette, I love you!"  Then I all "awwww" lol. *thanks God he is only 4* I'd be a sucker for that ish! Beware parents of 4yr old girls!
                                            *The Kids
Over all it's bittersweet :-/. Im gonna miss the PCR crew!

*These are not Lorie's kids, these are Micheal Jackson's kids as to protect the childrens identity

Friday, Feb 5th
Per Mother children's identity can be revealed (click her to view picture)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like this. It' so cute and positive. It's like you were jumping up and down on a bed at a sleepover when you wrote it...lmao I'm uber-excited for you too. NC was definitely a good move for you, honestly I'm proud of you, you really made it work- AND QUICK too :-D
LMAO @ Prince, Paris and Blanket doubling as Sammy, Kaliyah and Bray: **oh look at all those jagged rocks at the bottom of the ravine [!GERONIMO!] swan dives**