
Monday, January 24, 2011

Pink Friday!!!!!!

When I first  heard of Nicki Minaj back in 2009, I was very skeptical of her talent. The claim to Barbie immediatly put me off. The very 1st song I heard her on was Gucc Mane's Five Star Chick, I found myself turning the radio up when her part came on, and I would get upset if I turned and her part had already past. Still, I wasn't ready to jump on her bandwagon just yet, the whole Barbie thing I still wasn't feeling. It wasn't even her claim to Barbie that was upsetting it was the throngs of girls (and guys) on my twitter page claim to Barbie Nation. Everybody wanted to be a damn Barbie!

Nicki kept being featured on everybody's tracks from Lil Wayne to Robin Thicke to Trey Songz. I began to realize that I really did like Nicki's music, she's like a lyrical beast. Then she came out with her own two songs and I was right there singing them word for word and I still was not ready to say I was a fan.

Pink Friday came out and I was excited to hear the album and when I did, I was hooked! This girl has mad skills and I'm no longer hiding in the background not giving her her props. On every track she is killing um with the lyrics! I love the way she does characters by changing her voice, this plays into her unique style and makes it great. I love Nicki Minaj, she is the truth!

As for this Lil' Kim and Nicki Minaj battle of the Barbie, Lil' Kim needs to give it up, her time has passed. As Nicki says in Roman's Revenge "If you ain't shitting then get off the pot". Lil Kim haven't put anything out in years, and she's to far gone to even attempt a comeback. Sorry Lil' Kim but WE DONT CARE!


Nicki Minaj Fan

My Journey: Moving Back

I can't believe it has been almost a year! I remember when I first moved into my own aparment, how afraid I was of being lonely. This NEVER happend, I love having my apartment to myself, its quite a big space and I can walk around in the nude if and when I please! I now know that I don't need someone else with me to make me feel whole, actually, being alone can be theraputic. I learned so much about myself and what I can accomplish. I've even been playing around in the kitchen cooking, (this has to do more with the boyfriend, than me being on my own) and I'm pretty good at it.

In 30 days I will be leaving my little santuary.  I will be moving back in with the loving family that took me in as a stray 15 months ago. I may be moving back, but I'm moving back to move foward in life. Moving to NC was one of the greatest decisions I've made all my life. When I think about it, it may have been the ONLY smart thing I've done for myself. My future is bright and I'm ready.

My adopting family

Monday, January 10, 2011

12/31/10 I went to the nail shop to get my eyebrows waxed and I stopped by the barbershop and had them take the clippers to my hair! I decided to start growing it ALL over again. I didn't know how much I would like it at first but now, I'm loving it!

Does everyone cheat?


I'd like to think two people can be together and fulfill each other's needs wholly without stepping out. Everyday I'm seeing that this is not the case. I watch the people around me, men and women, cheat on their mates and not even care. Men come in the store and flirt with me and my coworkers, try to get numbers, offer dates and come in the very next day with the wife and kids. Women searching for a man that will treat her right and not cheat, soon as he comes along, she's out cheating on him while he's being the good man that she wanted. Married couples both cheating and when shit hits the fan, there are tears, but why? You were both cheating? I really would like to think people can be faithful but when I see so much stuff like this it makes me wonder. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of positive relationships that I see too, more so people closer to me. The only reason I don't doubt their relationships is because I can see so much of it. I feel if you have to cheat on someone, you just don't need to be with them, they are not what you really want. People are so selfish these days that they would rather hurt someone than be truthful with themselves and let go of whatever benefits they are holding onto in that relationship. 

So, if I see you walking down the street with your mate, I'm gonna assume someone is cheating. Maybe I'm the twisted one for believing this but it's not my fault, I blame you.